Explore all of Zimplicit's solutions

Unleashing organizational excellence through integrated solutions
Zimplicit aims to define a new standard of efficient and easy to use transformation-enabling applications in the market, securing intended outcomes by engaging teams and employees to make it happen
Operational Excellence
By combining process development, change management and operations, Zimplicit helps you achieve Operational Excellence in an inclusive way.
Data Advantage
Zimplicit gives you the tools to measure, transform and archive/dispose you data. By interconnecting your data with your processes, Zimplicit makes sure you measure relevant data.
Solution Management
Manageing your different solutions just got easier with Zimplicit. Have your change controll, release management and support all in one place and always connected to your business processes
Operational Excelence
The Zimplicit way to Operational Excelence

Process Development
Zimplicit's easy-to-use yet powerful Process Tool helps you map and stabilize current processes.
Once you have mapped a process Zimplicit can give you a S.W.O.T analisys and you can develop your processes suitable for reaching your objectives
Change Management
When you do changes to your processes, Zimplicit will show you who is affected and in what way. To clarify the new ways of working, for the people affected, you can communicate information to their browser sidebar.
Zimplicit helps you break down the change, gather feedback and create engagement and acceptance.
To run smooth operations you need to communicate to everyone what they are expected to do, and how to do it. Whith Zimplicit you can create and share trainings, make instructions for activities available, create tasks for specific employees or roles, all in the employees browser sidebar.
Knowledge sharing and training has never been easier.
Data Advantage
How Zimplicit helps you leverage your data
Zimplicit gives you reporting tools and practices to help you measure and track if you are on track with your objectives.
As it is connected to your processes you can make well informed decisions linked to your business processes.
Use Zimplicit to make sence of the data you collect, even if it is from different systems. Our common data modell helps you consolidate your data in to data you can use.
Migrating to a new system? No problem, Zimplicit helps you whith that to.
Archiving & Disposing
Data needs somewhare to live, traditional data storage is expansive and the volumes of data produced by companies keeps growing.
Zimplicit lets you archive hot and cold data in a much more cost effective way, with high security and redundance.
You decide what data to keep and what to despose of.
Solution Management
Manage your business solutions with Zimplicit
Change Control
Zimplicit let you collect feedback and requests from the employees working in your processes. The feedback will be connected to the process and collected as a user story, making your decisions easier to make.
Take control and moderate the changes requested by the business, and communicate easily.
Release Management
Zimplicit offers a way for you to handle your release management.
When you have decided on a change you can keep track of development, test (against the process) and release.
As simple as that.
Users can raise issues in their browser sidebar, no need to navigate away from what they were doing.
Zimplicit helps you structure these issues and you can communicate your solution in the sidebar of the one who raised the issuel. Clean and simple.
Explore Zimplicit based on your role
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